Blew a couple of thousand Lindens on some wildlife for the pond: a croaking frog and a swimming mallard with ducklings by Kaikou Splash at Splash Aquatics, and two fishing game chairs-with-rods from the same place - great fun. Tried it out and landed a 22lb roach. Go me! The brilliant thing is, the fish you "catch" is a proper swimming fish which you can put in your inventory and make copies of, so I copied a dozen or so roach, and dotted them around in the reeds, where they're now circling slowly, looking pretty realistic. Cool! I think I'll make an angling trophy to award to the person who catches the biggest fish. We can display it in the boathouse...I also scored some Adirondack chairs and some sound loops from Sid Fisher. The chairs are mod, so they can be retextured to suit the style of the pond. They don't have sitting anims, but that's fine, because I would prefer to use animated cushions from Pillow Talk, of which I have many copiable versions in my inventory. I'll give them home-style quilted covers this evening. Still to make/acquire: a beer cooler (for those long fishing trips), the footstool for the Adirondack bench (I ran out of money), and some suitable lamps. I should also put in a few more activity anims, like sitting, reading and maybe skinny dipping...
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